Flat 14, 14/F., Blk A., Veristrong Ind. Ctr.,
34-36 Au Pui Wan St., Fotan, N.T,
Hong Kong
On a non-profit making basis, to arouse public awareness and interest of importance of whole person education through sports activities in Hong Kong and other parts of the world.
On a non-profit making basis, to assist young people, teenager, the needy and disadvantage group in developing their interests in sports, to learn the spirit of sportsmanship, to assist them in discovering their sports talent, to assist them in upgrading their sports skills and to build up confidence and positive attitude through sports training and education.
On a non-profit making basis, to encourage and support elimination of discrimination of the aged and disability in the Hong Kong community through sports activities, campaigns, events and training.
To develop, plan, organize, conduct, promote, finance, manage, participate, support and carry out diversified sports activities, sports exchange tours, sports festivals, campaigns, events, races, competitions, games or otherwise, either alone or in conjunction with other organizations or individuals, in Hong Kong and other parts of the world.
To develop, plan, organize, conduct, promote, participate, support and carry out sports training and educational programes, forums, seminars, courses, classes and conferences, either alone or in conjunction with other organizations or individuals, in Hong Kong and other parts of the world.
To assist talented young people, teenager, the needy and disadvantage group in participating in sports activities, sports exchange tours, sports festivals, campaigns, events, races, competitions, games and sports training and educational programes, forums, seminars, courses and conferences in Hong Kong and other parts of the world.